Endovenous laser therapy can treat many diseases of the saphenous veins in the legs. To learn more about endovenous laser therapy, visit POM Vascular.
At PomVascular, we offer endovenous laser therapy for the treatment of saphenous veins.
It is a replacement treatment for a traditional surgery that would otherwise involve stripping the vein. With our advanced laser surgery, you can avoid this vein stripping and the time and risk involved in traditional surgery.
Endovenous laser therapy has a number of advantages over traditional surgery:
We use endovenous laser treatments to seal the saphenous veins. These veins are among the longest in your body and are responsible for returning blood from your foot and leg into the femoral vein, one of the most important veins you have.
When the saphenous vein cannot route blood back to the femoral vein, the traditional approach was an invasive surgery that removed the vein and rerouted your blood through complex surgical techniques. The risks were high and recovery was long.
Now, we are able to provide you with local anesthesia and use ultrasound to guide a laser into the vein to seal it with heat. The heat does not harm the surrounding veins, skin, muscles, or other tissues.
This laser treatment is still a surgery, but a minimally invasive one. You can leave our office right afterward and be back at work the next day in many cases.
To learn more about endovenous laser therapy, please contact our offices today to make an appointment for a screening or treatments.
Call us today at (954) 900-2020 to make an appointment.
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